The Prophetic Dream Theory: From Deconstruction to Discourse Construction The Steady Speech

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Assistant Professor of English Literature, Payame Noor University Tehran, Iran

2 Faculty of Theology and Islamic Sciences, Associate Professor Ilam University, Ilam, Iran

3 Media Specialist, Graphics Artist: University of Texas, Texas Education Agency, Houston Health and Human Services at Texas Medical Center, USA

4 Visiting Professor, Ilam University


Throughout history, there have been various attempts to deconstruct the text of the Holy Quran. One of the more recent theories is Soroush's Prophetic Dream theory, which suggests that the Holy Prophet received and perceived the revelations in a dream-like state. The theory in question aims at deconstructing the nodal points of Islam such as revelation, prophet, and the Holy Text, as well as constructing a new discourse. This study aims to analyze the above theory using Laclau and Mouffe’s theory of discourse, as well as Derrida’s deconstruction. Discourse theory applies deconstruction in order to show how rival discourses strive to gain their voice. In this sense, the first step towards discourse-construction is to deconstruct the dominant discourse and then articulate a new one. The present study finds that the birth-place of the Prophetic Dream theory is the deconstruction by which Soroush will be able to put the moments in crisis and also to articulate the floating signifiers in the field of discursivity.


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