A Comparative Study of Salvation from the Viewpoints of Motahari and Rahner

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Assistant professor, Ayattolah Hairi Maybod University, Iran

2 Assistant Professor, Ayattolah Hairi Maybod University, Iran



Among the topics that can play an important role in interreligious dialogue and the relationship between civilizations and cultures is the topic of human salvation. In this article, we argue that salvation and redemption are not exclusive to the followers of a particular religion; rather, the followers of various religions can gain salvation with some conditions, such as the belief in God and moral integrity. With this approach, we can create a constructive dialogue among the followers of different religions, and prevent “the clash of civilizations.” From an Islamic viewpoint, followers of other religions who seek the truth but have not been able to find it are considered innate Muslims. Comparatively, in Karl Rahner’s thought, the followers of various religions can gain divine grace for their moral acts, faith, hope, love of neighbor, charity, and so forth. Rahner calls such people “anonymous Christians.” According to these two viewpoints, a wide range of the followers of different religions can gain salvation.


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