Special Issue: Theological Issues within Islamic Denominations



Associate Professor, Islamic Theology, University of Religions and Denominations, Qom, Iran

This Special Issue on Theological Issues within Islamic Denominations delves into the intricate and diverse dimensions of Islamic theology, aiming to unravel the rich tapestry of belief and inquiry within various denominational perspectives of Islam.

Islamic theology, known as kalām, is indeed the study of the fundamental doctrines of the Islamic faith. This branch of Islamic knowledge seeks to provide arguments for the validity of these doctrines or refute any skepticisms regarding them. Islamic theology encompasses a vast spectrum of themes and concepts that underpin religious discourse within the Islamic tradition. In this issue, among other things, we place a particular emphasis on exploring the significant contributions made by Muslim theologians to this discipline.

At the heart of our exploration lie fundamental issues integral to Islamic belief and practice. These encompass inquiries into the nature, attributes, and existence of God, alongside the foundational concept of monotheism. Additionally, we delve into the realms of prophethood and prophetology, eschatology and the afterlife, and the doctrine of Imamate, which pertains to the succession of leadership post the demise of Prophet Muhammad.

By scrutinizing these pivotal areas of inquiry, our aim is to offer readers a comprehensive understanding of the theological foundations of Islam, enriched by the diverse perspectives that have unfolded throughout its history. Indeed, what enriches this exploration is the inclusion of diverse Shiite and Sunni viewpoints. By acknowledging and analyzing these nuances and divergences, we endeavor to construct a comprehensive portrayal of the theological landscape of Islam.

Through the scholarly contributions of our authors, we aspire to weave together a tapestry of insights that vividly illustrates the diversity, dynamism, and complexity inherent in Islamic theological discourse.

Central to the mission of this issue is the facilitation of dialogue, the deepening of understanding, and the enhancement of scholarly inquiry into the theological contours of Islamic denominations. By shedding light on the intersections, divergences, and dialogues that animate the diverse expressions of Islamic theology, we seek to contribute to a nuanced and holistic comprehension of the rich intellectual heritage that continues to shape the Islamic tradition.