The Age of the World Picture and the Meaning of Human being’s Life

Document Type : Research Paper


Khrazmi University, Tehran,


What does mean the age of the world picture, and what is its relationship with human being’s life?

Answering such questions concerning human being’s meaning of life in the age of the world picture has its special significance, since this age represents an age that modern human being has destroyed his/her traditional relations with the whole system of being, and based on his/her modern rationality has built a new world relying on his/her willing. In this pictured modern world, the identity and reality of all affairs of the world have been redefined based on modern human being’s understanding and will. Some essential virtues of this age are humanism, atheism, agnosticism, scientism, secularism, moral relativism, demystification of the world and ignoring death. Some critics consider it as the age of the whole meaningless human being’s life, while by deep consideration of some factors, like goal, value and function, concerning the semantic meaning of life, it can be said such a life is meaningful but has temporal and limited meaning.


Main Subjects

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