An Evaluation of Claims by Non-Muslim Scholars about the Incoherence and Inconsistency of the Holy Quran

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Assistant Professor, Al-Mustafa International University, Qom, Iran.

2 Associate Professor, Al-Mustafa International University, Qom, Iran.

3 PhD Student in Family Jurisprudence, Al-Mustafa International University, Qom, Iran.


The coherence of Quranic verses and chapters is an essential characteristic that indicates the eloquent structure of the holy Quran. The coherence can be seen in its verses and various chapters. A systematic consideration of the coherence and cohesion of the Quran has far-reaching implications for an accurate understanding of the Quran. Scholars of Quranic studies have examined more than twenty aspects of the coherence of the Holy Quran; however, some non-Muslims have cast doubts on the harmony of the Quran and have raised various objections to show the inconsistency of Quranic verses. We highlight the divinity of the Quran and defend its sacredness, and by adopting an analytic-descriptive method and deploying a critical approach, we aim to refute the claims by non-Muslims by providing evidence that the holy Quran enjoys verbal and semantic cohesion. Hence, the objections by non-Muslims are a result of a failure to differentiate between thematic and artistic versatility of the holy Quran, and to take account of its existing cohesion and hidden connections.


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