A Review and Critique of the Theory of the Speculativeness of the Implication (Ẓannī al-Dilāla) of the Qurʾān

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Associate Professor at Hazrat-e Masoumeh University, Qom, Iran.

2 PhD student in Quran and Islamic Texts at the University of Tehran, College of Farabi, Qom, Iran.

3 PhD student in Quran and Hadith at Arak University, Iran.


Since the purpose of the Qurʾān is to promote the Worldly and Otherworldly Life of mankind, and nourish the human soul and body in all dimensions, we should consult this holy book in all aspects of our lives. However, some Shia and Sunni scholars believe that the implication of the Qurʾān is speculative. The present study seeks to determine the correct view of the definitive (qaṭʿī) and the speculative textual implication of Qurʾān. If we examine and explain the definitiveness of the usage-based intentions of speakers and, in most cases, the definitiveness of real intentions, adopt a holistic view of the verses, consider different sorts of verses (perspicuous (muhkam), intricate (mutashābih), etc.), and focus on the expressive miracle of the Word of God, then we might conclude that the word of revelation (i.e. the Qurʾān) enjoys a definitive implication, barring the intricate verses the interpretation of which no one knows except those who are firmly grounded in knowledge (al-rāsikhūn fi l-ʿilm). There are no doubts about the meanings of Quranic words more often than not.


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